El Valle-Dec 6th

11 12 2010

We awoke to continuing overcast and breezy drizzle so we headed up the road to the ‘La dMesa’ area again. It was even more cloudy, breezy and drizzly up there so after a shot walk on ‘Las Minas’ road, we headed down to El Valle.

We spotted a Summer Tanager which made us stop. Stunning bird, this is a recent arrival from the US as these are migrants who winter here. I always stop for Summer Tanagers.

Summer Tanager-El Valle de Anton, Panama

The place we stopped turned out to be a bit of a hotspot. We quickly saw two species of Becard (Cinammon and White Winged), Banana-Quit, Chestnut Sided Warbler (another migrant) and a nice woodcreeper paid us a visit.

White Winged Becard, El Valle de Anton, Panama

Cinnamon Becard, El Valle de Anton, Panama

After working the area for an hour or so, it was time to go back to the Anton Valley Hotel and check out for our trip to Cerro Azul. Cerro Azul is on the other side of Panama City, and is an older development in the highlands above the city.



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